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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Change subnet mask from command prompt

In windows, changing the subnet mask from command prompt is fairly easy and simple. Although many people make it a different job, yet it is in fact easy. Subnet mask itself is the network definer. It defines the network address. Remember, IP address and network addresses are two different things.

In order to change the subnet mask from the command prompt, you should have two things things

1. Your IP address
2. Subnet mask.

If you want to change your subnet mask use the netsh command

Procedure to change subnet mask from the command prompt

Click Start
In windows XP click run and in Windows Vista use the direct run box above start icon
Type cmd and hit enter
If you are using windows vista, after you type cmd, will be shown above. Just right click on it and click run as Administrator
After that type in the following command there

netsh interface ip set address "interface name" static [ip address] [subnet mask] [gateway]

Let us suppose you want to have an ip of with a subnet of /24 or

Type this command in the command prompt and hit enter
netsh interface ip set address "E1" static

When you type this command, you will have successfully changed your subnet mask from the command prompt. Enjoy
You can also check the following

Change IP address from command prompt

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